Best practices

A. Learn about Instructional Strategies to Improve Student Learning

Best Practices for Teaching & Learning combines the institutional knowledge and current educational research. This resource provides research-based strategies to help students learn at all levels and in all content areas.

B. Three Key Areas of Best Practices in Teaching and Learning

  • A student-centered learning environment is created
  • Consider how the physical setup and teacher role impact student expectations
  • Create relationships that foster a positive and safe environment where students can be responsible and self-motivated.

C. plan and Teach for Student Learning :


    • Assemble assignments and tests in accordance with the Standards of Learning
  • Plan to adapt teaching methods to individual student needs
  • Use teaching strategies, techniques, or resources that are relevant to all students.
  • Respond to the many ways that students learn and think

D.    Assess Student Learning :

  • Teaching based on evidence should be adapted to the student’s needs
  • Verify student progress towards meeting learning standards.
  • Students should be actively involved in assessment, to encourage continuous learning, and students should inform parents and students about student achievement.


E. Academic Audit 

The monthly Academic Review can be a catalyst for improving the quality of technical education.

F. Innovative content development:

The current curriculum is very extensive. It was necessary to cover all the required material, both in depth and in quantity.

  • Ideal courses & Lecturer materials
  • Compendium of Problems (Related to Indian Context)
  • You may be interested in practical projects that are related to the courses
  • Laboratory manuals and template for laboratory reports
  • Additional study material for laboratory courses
  • E-resources to improve learning (through animations, specialized software, and experimentation platforms).
  • Access to NPTEL resources
  • Formula-based learning is a method that restricts intellectual inquiry.
  • Encourage critical thinking.
  • For effective teaching, they should be paired with the right teaching tools and aids.

G. Free teaching facility by Experienced Teacher  

I. All students have access to doubt clearing services from experienced teachers via Toll Free telephone/mobile during off hours. This is so that other institutions can benefit where experienced teachers are unavailable.